Jeroen Elfferich

Hi, everyone. My name is Jeroen Elfferich, and I am a professional drummer from The Netherlands. I specialize in uneven rhythms/odd grooves. My goal is to get musicians/drummers interested in different grooves because we always hear the 4/4 bar. During my music study at the Rotterdam Conservatorium, I played uneven rhythms with jazz musicians from Serbia and Turkey. It’s more exciting, and it gives you more freedom. I have a new album out with my progressive jazz-rock band Elfferich Four, and we don’t play any 4/4 anymore! Still, my music is easy to listen to and not strange at all.
So check out and listen to some uneven songs, or order the new album (Eccentricity) at Stop counting in four, try something more! (5, 6, 7, 9, and 10).