Basic Hand Technique As Taught to Chuck Silverman by Richard Wilson and Murray Spivak

Educator Chuck Silverman’s new e-book/downloadable video bundle distills the wisdom of two of his teachers, Richard Wilson and Murray Spivak, into practical instruction for hand technique. Wilson’s concepts include “wrist turns” and “down strokes,” while Spivak (who counted Wilson, Louie Bellson, and David Garibaldi among his students) is, among other things, remembered for lessons involving twin practice pads set up in front of a mirror. The focus is on the snare, and the video provides no-frills practice-pad close-ups of Silverman explaining the family of rudiments, including single- and double-stroke rolls, flams, diddles, and drags, in detail. In tandem, the e-book’s notation and video footage will help any student sort out these fundamental concepts properly. (
Ilya Stemkovsky