On the Beat With Jason Hartless of Ted Nugent: Sonic Baptizm

Photo by Jeremy Marquardt
Hello, everyone in Modern Drummer land! Jason Hartless here. I’m proud to announce that I am drumming for rock legend/“Motor City Madman” Ted Nugent this summer on the 2016 Sonic Baptizm tour. This tour will take us all across North America to a city near you!
On the tour I’ll be playing my amazing new custom Pearl Wood Fiberglass kit with Pearl’s new Hybrid Exotic kapur/fiberglass snare. If you have not checked out these drums, take a look at the product demo video I’m featured in below.
We look forward to seeing you on the Sonic Baptizm tour this summer! For tour dates, visit www.tednugent.com.
Check out Hartless’ Pearl Wood Fiberglass performance here: