An Editor's Overview
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.
In His Image
TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…
Sunshine and Love
TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…
Why Do You Do It?
TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…
The 2020 Modern Drummer Readers Poll: Something New
TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…
Every Drummer’s a Snowflake
No, not that kind of snowflake—you’ll have to find me at the bar if you want to talk politics.
Skipping Down Memory Lane
Hi, everyone! I hope you enjoyed your summer. Did you get out to any live shows?
Talking About Our Generations
A teaser of the momentous drumming from 1969 that our October issue explores—and a chat with the Flaming Lips' Steven Drozd about some of his favorite music from the era.
A Common Fabric
TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…
Boom, Ba-Boom, Crash! Boom, Ba-Boom, Crash!
TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…
Nuggets of Drum Wisdom
In addition to interviewing some of the most cutting-edge drummers on the planet, we also like to check in with some of the living legends of our instrument, those unique personalities who paved the way for us years ago and continue to inspire future generations via their ageless artistry and sage teachings.
Enduring Effort
The first time I saw MD at a shopping mall bookstore in the early 2000s, I remember thinking, Wait, someone makes a magazine for US?
Long Live Rock!
Perhaps more than any other band on the planet, Dave Grohl’s post-Nirvana vehicle represents the very heights of grandeur that rock can still attain.
It Was Twenty Years Ago....
You can keep up with what’s going on at NAMM by checking in at and at our social-media pages.