
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Son Of The One-Handed Roll

What has happened is that semantics have created a communication problem. What these teachers refer to as a

by Roy Burns
May 14, 2019

Developing The Weak Hand

One of the most confidence-shattering problems facing any drummer is the realization that one hand just doesn't work right. 

by Ray Fransen
May 14, 2019

Glitched Beats

Diving Deep into Displacements

by Aaron Edgar
Apr 30, 2019

Moving Around the Kit

In this workshop, we’ll explore moving fills around the kit easily in two directions: clockwise and counterclockwise.

by Jost Nickel
Apr 30, 2019


Being a truly professional drummer involves more than just making all or part of your living playing the drums. It is an attitude that is developed through experience and self-discipline.

by Roy Burns
Apr 4, 2019

Odd-Beat Subdivisions

Almost all styles of music now deviate from normal duple- and triple-beat subdivisions, and use divisions of five, seven, or more.

by Michael Snyder
Apr 4, 2019

John F. Williams: Studio Pioneer

Greatness in music is greatness in character. No more fitting epitaph could pay tribute better than this statement on the loss of drumming great Johnny Williams.

by Rodman A. Sims
Apr 4, 2019

Latin Jazz Drumming Part 3: Mambo Bell Ideas in 3/2 Time

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Modern Drummer
Apr 1, 2019

The Duality of 16th-Note Meters

Time signatures such as 15/16, 17/16, and 29/16 can bring out anxiety in drummers who aren’t familiar with them. The truth of the matter is that they’re only slightly different from quarter-or 8th-note meters, which are far more common.

by Aaron Edgar
Mar 27, 2019

Funkify Your Swing Feel

Fusing rhythms from one style of music to another can help a player develop new ideas and fresh rhythmic approaches that might not have yet been previously explored.

by Steve Fidyk
Mar 27, 2019

Creative Triplets For The Advanced Player: Part 2

Syncopated figures could be used within an underlying framework of 8th-note triplets.

by Mark Hurley
Mar 26, 2019

Drumming And The Practice Pad

Some drummers hate practice pads; others are never without them. Some teachers recommend practice pads; others say that you should practice on the drums.

by Roy Burns
Mar 26, 2019

Creative Triplets For The Advanced Player: Part 1

The following two-part article has been designed to help you improve your ability to fill or solo using syncopated jazz figures amidst an underlying pulse of 8th-note triplets.

by Mark Hurley
Mar 20, 2019

Teaching By Intimidation

Imagine how you would feel if, on your first drum lesson with a new teacher, the teacher said,

by Roy Burns
Mar 20, 2019