
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Alice Cooper's Glen Sobel

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

By Mike Haid | Photos by Alex Solca
Feb 28, 2018

Jonathan Joseph

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

by Billy Amendola
Feb 28, 2018

Elliot Jacobson

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

By Steven Douglas Losey
Feb 28, 2018

Adam Nussbaum's Leadbelly Project, Matt Cameron solo album featuring Mark Guiliana, and more!

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

Modern Drummer
Feb 28, 2018

Lia Braswell of A Place to Bury Strangers

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

Story By Adam Budofsky | Photos by John Fell
Feb 28, 2018

Grizzly Bear's Chris Bear

It turns out that any name similarities between Grizzly Bear and its drummer are purely coincidental. Musically, the seamless match is more like fate.

Story By Michael Parillo | Photos by John Fell
Feb 28, 2018

Crucial Jazz Drumming Recordings, Part 2

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

Modern Drummer
Feb 28, 2018

Tim Alexander of Primus

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

Interview by Patrick Berkery | Photo by Jessica Alexander
Feb 28, 2018

Katy Perry’s Tony Royster Jr.

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

Story by Robin Tolleson | Photos By Tim Sekiguchi
Feb 28, 2018

Maya Tuttle

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

by Adam Budofsky
Feb 23, 2018

Ryan Brown

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

by David Brensilver
Feb 23, 2018

Rudy Royston

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

by Ken Micallef
Feb 23, 2018

Bill Stevenson: All or Nothing

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

by Stephen Bidwell
Feb 23, 2018

Tal Bergman

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

Story By Robin Tolleson | Photos by Alex Solca
Feb 23, 2018