Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.
Zimbabwean “Tuku” Music
Combining the traditional Jit, Tsotsa, and other rhythms of Zimbabwe, the late Oliver “Tuku” Mtukudzi’s style could only be defined as distinctly his own.
The Starr Festival Snare
Over the years, Gary Astridge has meticulously researched Ringo’s drumkits and assembled exact replicas of the ones used with the Beatles.
New Gear From 64 Audio, LP, Schagerl Drums, Tama, and More!
New Product Releases from 64 Audio, LP, Schagerl Drums, Tama, Air Throne, and Canopus
New Releases by Santana, Oz Noy, Grupo Fantasma, and More!
New Releases From Santana, Oz Noy, Betty Carter, Grupo Fantasma and more.
The Bailey Method
The Bailey Method is longtime touring and session drummer Dan Bailey’s first opus in the world of online education.
Rancid's Branden Steineckert
“I tend to like my snares to be visually fun,” says Steineckert, “but I don’t want it to compromise my sound at all.
Rhythm! Discovery Center Ten-Year Anniversary
The Rhythm! Discovery Center, a gem of the drum and percussion world.
A Restored Gretsch Steal
This beautifully restored vintage project was from older Gretsch shells to create a road-worn-looking vintage kit that has that oft-referred-to “Great Gretsch Sound.”
A Common Fabric
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Bruno Esrubilsky with Mitski
Bruno Esrubilsky grew up in Rio de Janeiro, feasting on a hearty diet of progressive rock and Brazilian ethnic music.
Kuppmen Carbon Fiber Drumsticks and Drumrods
Kuppmen Music, a revival of the Carbostick company, which ceased production in 2013, offers a line of drumsticks and rods made from carbon fiber that claim to offer greater durability with minimal change in feel or sound.
Ringo Starr's Maple Ludwig Hollywood Drumkit
As an iconic piece of rock ’n’ roll history, this kit has since been archived, documented, and refurbished, and it currently resides in custom road cases.
Roland TM-1 Trigger Module and RT-MicS Mic/Trigger
Not only is Roland a leading manufacturer of professional-quality e-kits, but it’s also dedicated considerable research and development into smaller, simpler products that allow acoustic drummers to expand their sonic palettes with electronics.
Canopus Stabilized Wood Snares
Japanese drum maker Canopus has been building some of the most musical and meticulously crafted snares and kits since its foundation in 1977.