Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Seven-Note Groupings

We’ll take a seven-note pattern, split it into groupings of three-, two-, and two-note clusters, and play it between our limbs within a swing context.

by Joe Bergamini
May 29, 2019

Mobile Madness

When I first started exploring odd rhythms while coming up, the tools available to help were virtually nonexistent.

by Aaron Edgar
May 29, 2019

New Gear from Tama, Aquarian, Warm Audio, Pearl, and more!

New offerings from Tama, Aquarian, Warm Audio, Pearl and Gon Bops!

Modern Drummer
May 29, 2019

A Look Back At Phil Collins and New Releases by Andrew Cyrille, Ernesto Cervini, and More!

TO READ THE FULL STORY: LOG IN Digital Access $4.99 /month or $49.99 /year SAVE $10 | Yearly Subscription Digital Monthly Magazine 47 Years of Archives (500+ Issues) 40+ Drum Channel Subscribe Now All Access (Print + Digital) USA $179.99…

Modern Drummer
May 29, 2019

The DrumGarden — Kit Of The Month

The drummer tells MD that the premise for this month’s featured set was to create three distinct kits arranged in a circular fashion to be played from a single seated position.

Modern Drummer
May 29, 2019

John Robinson

Having recorded with a wide range of artists including Steve Winewood, John Fogerty, Michael Jackson, and Bob Seger, John

Modern Drummer
May 14, 2019

J.M. Van Eaton: Rockabilly Rhythm

Along with D.J. Fontana, Earl Palmer, and Jerry Allison, J.M. Van Eaton ranks as one of the paramount drummers in rock 'n' roll in the 1950s.

by Rob Bowman and Ross Johnson
May 14, 2019

Philadelphia Drum & Percussion, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

When Sam D’Amico closed up shop in 2007, Philadelphia was without a dedicated drum retailer for nearly thirty-five years.

by Patrick Berkery
May 29, 2019

Developing The Weak Hand

One of the most confidence-shattering problems facing any drummer is the realization that one hand just doesn't work right. 

by Ray Fransen
May 14, 2019

Son Of The One-Handed Roll

What has happened is that semantics have created a communication problem. What these teachers refer to as a

by Roy Burns
May 14, 2019

Metallica's Lars Ulrich Interview June 1987

Rather than being dominated by lead guitar and lead vocals, the new

by Albert Bouchard and Deborah Frost
May 14, 2019

Nuggets of Drum Wisdom

In addition to interviewing some of the most cutting-edge drummers on the planet, we also like to check in with some of the living legends of our instrument, those unique personalities who paved the way for us years ago and continue to inspire future generations via their ageless artistry and sage teachings.

Modern Drummer
Apr 30, 2019

What’s Your Favorite ’90s Jazz Drumming Album?

We recently checked in with our readers and social media followers to find out which jazz records from the 1990s featured their favorite drumming performances.

Modern Drummer
Apr 30, 2019