
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


John Chominsky of Final Gravity

Hey there to all my Modern Drummer buddies! I grew up reading MD cover to cover and couldn’t wait for the next issue to come out, so I’m psyched to tell you what I’ve been up to through this MD…

Modern Drummer
Oct 26, 2009

Dave Brandt of The Echo Falls

Hello, fellow MD fans! The Echo Falls is a modern indie-folk-rock trio from Oakland, California. Our first CD is coming out next month and reception has been great already. Recent shows at Hotel Cafe in Los Angeles and Cafe Du…

Modern Drummer
Oct 21, 2009

A Different View: Paul Shaffer

By Billy Amendola MD's December issue, out now, features a Different View interview with bandleader Paul Shaffer from The Late Show With David Letterman, whose autobiography, We'll Be Here For The Rest Of Our Lives, was released recently. For this…

Modern Drummer
Oct 20, 2009

The Blakes’ Bob Husak

Hey, MD readers, I’m Bob Husak of the Blakes. Allow me to provide you with a brief rundown of my musical career: Historically, my relationship with drumming has been consistently strange and at times rocky; I initially picked it up…

Modern Drummer
Oct 19, 2009

Ten Year Vamp’s Gregory Nash talk about his journey

Hello, MD readers! My Name is Gregory Nash and I reside in upstate New York. Over the years I’ve played in a very wide variety of bands, each with different styles and influences. This experience has led to a unique…

Modern Drummer
Oct 19, 2009

Gary Foster of The Sunstreak

What’s up, everyone! My name is Gary Foster and I play drums and percussion with the Sunstreak. We’re a pop-rock band from Rochester, NY. We’re currently on tour, and I’m writing this blog from Nashville. I am very excited to…

Modern Drummer
Oct 13, 2009

Jon Radford of the Dynamites

Hello, Modern Drummer readers, my name is Jon Radford and I play drums for the Dynamites featuring Charles “Wigg” Walker, a funk and soul band out of Nashville, Tennessee. First let me say how honored I am to be asked…

Modern Drummer
Oct 11, 2009

Adventures Of Power

Terry Bozzio Teaches Power

Modern Drummer
Oct 9, 2009

Dave Watts of the Kyle Hollingsworth Band

Hey there, Modern Drummer readers! Thanks for taking a peek at my first <i>MD</i> blog. My name is Dave Watts and I’m writing to you from the road with my current project, the Kyle Hollingsworth Band. We are based out…

Modern Drummer
Oct 8, 2009

Adam Romanowski of Gwynbleidd talk about the new album Black Currant Music

Hi to all in MD world. This is my first blog ever, and what an honor to share it with my fellow drumheads on the Web page of the best drum magazine in the world. I have been a diehard…

Modern Drummer
Oct 7, 2009

David Ashkenazy

My name is David Ashkenazy. I’m a drummer and professional musician, originally hailing from Southern California, and now successfully transplanted and living in Brooklyn NY. The big city life and cold winters certainly took a little getting used to, but…

Modern Drummer
Oct 6, 2009

Scott Garapolo of Apache Stone

Hey, MD readers! First off let me say that it’s the biggest honor to appear here, I’ve read this magazine religiously for years, so I’m psyched! I just landed the gig with Apache Stone, a band fronted by Mike Lombardi…

Modern Drummer
Oct 5, 2009

Blue Man Group’s Jason Mackenroth

Hey, Modern Drummer readers, it’s a pleasure to have this opportunity to bring you up to date on what’s going on with me since the Rollins Band/Mother Superior days. After releasing a CD and touring for my own band, Mack,…

Modern Drummer
Sep 30, 2009

Professional Drum Teachers Guild’s Marty Fullard

Hi, MD, Marty Fullard here. I’m very excited to give you the heads up that I’ve been given the Best Of Irvine award for best drum educator in Irvine, CA, which is in beautiful southern California’s Orange County. I’ve been…

Modern Drummer
Sep 28, 2009