
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Matt North

I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. Last October, I played a gig in New York at Greenwich Village's Mo' Pitkins. Before leaving Los Angeles, I was told the club had a gorgeous Slingerland house drumset–just bring cymbals.…

Modern Drummer
Feb 5, 2008

Jim Bogios of Counting Crows

Many drummers are aware that Jim Bogios left Sheryl Crow for Counting Crows back in 2003. But Jim hasn’t really talked about the transition, until now. “I would never have considered leaving Sheryl unless it was for an opportunity to…

Modern Drummer
Feb 5, 2008

Dom Famularo

Hello, MD readers. 2007 was another jammed year of traveling. Fifteen countries, and many of them more than once! Here are some highlights: The Ultimate Drummers Weekend in Australia was a great event. There are some DVDs to check out,…

Modern Drummer
Feb 4, 2008

Frank Funaro Tour Blog

Happy New Year, fellow MD readers. I'm honored to have been asked to do a blog for MD Online, and I decided to go with a road-blog. I'm currently in rehearsals and pre-production for the next Cracker record (Yes, I…

Modern Drummer
Feb 1, 2008

Ira Elliot: Caught in the Web

Nada Surf is one of the smartest, freshest-sounding rock bands of the past ten/fifteen years. And like they say, behind every brilliant band is an equally crafty drummer. Kit man Ira Elliot is as sharp as they get. Before hooking…

Modern Drummer
Feb 1, 2008

Scotty Gee of LoveHateHero

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts."–Harry S. Truman After reading a couple of drummers' posts on here, there is a point that I want to stress, that no one else in mentioning. As with most…

Modern Drummer
Jan 31, 2008

Dylan Wissing

2007 was an extremely busy year for me. I played eighty-four shows in the Northeast, Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and New Orleans, with several recording projects and a zillion songwriting sessions and rehearsals. I'm keeping a current schedule and blog at myspace.com/dylanwissing.…

Modern Drummer
Jan 30, 2008

Anthony Biuso Blog

Hey, MD, my name is Anthony Biuso from (hed) p.e. My friends, oddly enough, call me Tiny Bubz. If you've found your way to my blog, then you must be like me: I live and breathe drums and drumming! I've…

Modern Drummer
Jan 29, 2008

Craig Pilo with Frankie Valli

Hello, MD readers! It's always a pleasure to punch in with my fellow drummers and the MD community. We are all fortunate to belong to a group that takes interest in one another, shares and swaps ideas, and above all,…

Modern Drummer
Jan 26, 2008

John Zox

Greetings, Modern Drummers! I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you about my band, ZOX, my experience as its drummer for the past six years, and our new, third album, Line In The Sand. Allow me to give you…

Modern Drummer
Jan 25, 2008

Roger Taylor: Update

It shouldn’t really be much of a surprise that Justin Timberlake, Timbaland, and Nate “Danja” Hills all have production credits on Duran Duran’s new album, Red Carpet Massacre. After all, the band’s four founding members–keyboardist Nick Rhodes, singer Simon Le…

Modern Drummer
Jan 25, 2008

Torry Castellano: The Grip Of Death

Although Donnas drummer Torry Castellano still encourages the idea of being a self-taught musician, she’s quick to admit that she had to learn the hard way that improper technique can cause serious problems. A few years ago after a bout…

Modern Drummer
Jan 25, 2008

Mike Najarian of State Radio

Hello, everybody, my name is Mike Najarian and I play in the band State Radio from Boston, Massachusetts. We just recorded an album at Real World Studios in Box, England with the infamous mastermind producer Tchad Blake, and I would…

Modern Drummer
Jan 24, 2008

Steven Spence of Black Tide

Hey, everyone, my name is Steven Spence, and I'm the drummer in Black Tide. We're an old-school metal band based out of Miami, Florida, and we just finished up an eight-week tour with A7X. Prior to that, we were fortunate…

Modern Drummer
Jan 23, 2008