
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Web Exclusive! Joe Walsh’s Joe Vitale: Practice Tips and Influences

More With Joe Vitale From His October 2015 MD Feature   by Billy Amendola   Joe Vitale is currently touring with Joe Walsh as well as starring in the movie Ricki and the Flash, featuring Meryl Streep. Here, Joe shares…

Modern Drummer
Sep 15, 2015

On the Beat With Adam Argullin: Mallets and Motivating With Drums

Hey, Modern Drummer! This is Adam Argullin. It’s pretty surreal, but a great honor, to be writing for the MD website as I’m a longtime fan! I grew up in southwestern Kentucky, not far from Nashville. My first job as…

Modern Drummer
Sep 14, 2015

On the Beat With Dennis Bryon of the Bee Gees: You Should Be Dancing

Hello everyone in MD land! I’m happy to tell you a bit about my experience drumming for the Bee Gees. I played drums with the Bee Gees on all recordings, television, and tours from 1973 to 1980. That included playing…

Modern Drummer
Sep 11, 2015

Exclusive Video Premiere! Jack White: Dead Weather Drumming

In this video, Jack White demonstrates the details of his Dead Weather drumkit within the context of the band’s 2009 debut single, “Hang You From the Heavens.” This is the first of four technique- and instrument-based videos to come from…

Modern Drummer
Sep 10, 2015

Exclusive Video Premiere of Big Talk’s “The Void???

Check out this exclusive clip of Big Talk performing “The Void” for their At: Guitar Center webseries performance. Big Talk is a band fronted by the Killers’ drummer, Ronnie Vannucci Jr. This performance features the group’s current drummer, August 2011 Modern Drummer cover artist…

Modern Drummer
Sep 8, 2015

On the Beat With Ryan Meyer of Highly Suspect: Keep Your Buckets Full

Hi MD! I was born and raised on Cape Cod, Massachusetts and I grew up the youngest of three boys (my twin brother Rich, who plays bass is in the band, has me by eighteen minutes). Since I can remember,…

Modern Drummer
Sep 8, 2015

On the Beat With Les DeMerle: 2015 Amelia Island Jazz Festival

Hi, MD readers, drummer and Amelia Island Artistic Director Les DeMerle here and I’m excited to share all the information about the upcoming 2015 Amelia Island Jazz Festival (AIJF) that will be held October 4-11. Jazz guitar pioneer, Larry Coryell,…

Modern Drummer
Sep 4, 2015

On the Beat With Jamie Morrison of Stereophonics: Following Your Heart and Instinct

Hello, I’m Jamie of Stereophonics. When I was kid I bought every drum magazine, every drum video, and I had drum lessons every week and I practiced obsessively. To put it simply, I was dedicated to becoming the greatest drummer…

Modern Drummer
Sep 2, 2015

On the Beat With Van Romaine of Enrique Iglesias

Hey, MD! Here’s a video of my touring kit on the Enrique Iglesias Sex and Love tour which is on it’s third year and features my Gretsch Brooklyn curved bar hybrid acoustic/electronic setup with Sabian cymbals, Evans heads, Roland electronics,…

Modern Drummer
Sep 1, 2015

On the Beat With Burn Halo’s John “Bad Bones??? Duarte: Talking Influences and New Album

Hey Modern Drummer readers! JD “Bad Bones” here, and it’s an honor to be a part of Modern Drummer magazine. It is true what they say—hard work and determination do pay off. As a young boy, drumming just came naturally…

Modern Drummer
Aug 28, 2015

Video Lesson! Necessary Ruffness: Make Your Grooves Percolate With Subtle Doubles

This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the October 2015 issue, which is available here. Basics Necessary Ruffness Make Your Grooves Percolate With Subtle Doubles by Rich Redmond The ruff is an essential rudiment that’s directly related…

Modern Drummer
Aug 27, 2015

Video Lesson! Progressive Drumming Essentials, Part 4: How to Feel Odd Subdivisions

This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the October 2015 issue, which is available here. Rock Perspectives Progressive Drumming Essentials Part 4: How to Feel Odd Subdivisions by Aaron Edgar When I was first learning quintuplets…

Modern Drummer
Aug 27, 2015

October 2015 Issue of Modern Drummer featuring Ilan Rubin

(Available in print August 30, 2015; digitally August 27, 2015) On the Cover Ilan Rubin “From a young age I was taught to treat being a musician as a real skill. At twenty, when I joined Nine Inch Nails, I…

Modern Drummer
Aug 27, 2015

On the Beat With Xavier Muriel of Buckcherry: Drawing Inspiration and Finding Your Niche

Hey Modern Drummer, what’s happening? My name is Xavier Muriel, and I play drums for Buckcherry. I’m honored to be a part of the magazine that I’ve been buying since I picked up a pair of sticks as a kid.…

Modern Drummer
Aug 26, 2015