Rock ‘N’ Jazz Clinic
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.
Video Lesson! Groove Construction, Part 10: Exploring a Killer Cowbell Pattern
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the February 2017 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Groove Construction Part 10: Exploring a Killer Cowbell Pattern by Jost Nickel In this lesson we’ll examine…
Video Lesson! Groove Construction, Part 9: Split Grooves with Jost Nickel
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the January 2017 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Groove Construction Part 9: Split Grooves by Jost Nickel This month’s groove workshop introduces split patterns. In…
Video Lesson! Groove Construction, Part 8: Three-Note Variations with Jost Nickel
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the December 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Groove Construction Part 8: Three-Note Variations by Jost Nickel In this lesson we’ll use a three-note grouping…
Video Lesson! Groove Construction, Part 7: Broken 16ths
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the November 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Groove Construction Part 7: Broken 16ths by Jost Nickel In this lesson we’ll use a three-rule system…
Video Lesson! Groove Construction, Part 6 With Jost Nickel
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the October 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Groove Construction Part 6: Ghost Notes Using an Intertwined Approach by Jost Nickel In this month’s lesson…
Video Lesson! Groove Contruction, Part 5: Ghost Notes Using an Ostinato Approach
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the September 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Groove Contstruction Part 5: Ghost Notes Using an Ostinato Approach by Jost Nickel Ghost notes are an…
Video Lesson! Groove Construction, Part 4: Linear Variations
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the August 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Groove Construction Part 4: Linear Variations by Jost Nickel We’ll continue working with linear grooves by embellishing…
Video Lesson! Groove Construction, Part 3: Linear Patterns with Jost Nickel
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the July 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Groove Construction Part 3: Linear Patterns In this lesson, we’ll create linear grooves by following three simple…
Video Lesson! Groove Construction Part 2: More Snare Displacement with Jost Nickel
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the June 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Groove Construction Part 2: More Snare Displacement In the second part of this series, we’ll continue to…
Video Lesson! Groove Construction: Part 1, Snare Displacement with Jost Nickel
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the May 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Groove Construction Part 1: Snare Displacement In the first part of this series, we’ll create new grooves…
Video Demo: Squashed Stickings with James Murphy
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the Aril 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Squashed Stickings Getting Creative With Rolls Finding creative ways to apply rudiments to the drumset can…
Video Lesson! Hidden Rhythms - Part 2, by Mike Johnston
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the March 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Hidden Rhythms Part 2: Odd Groupings Last month we explored the endless rhythmic and textural ideas hiding…
Video Lesson: Hidden Rhythms, by Mike Johnston
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the February 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic Hidden Rhythms Part 1: Cookin’ With 16ths The concept of discovering hidden rhythms within common subdivisions reminds…
Video Lesson: World Groove Independence Mash-Up with Mike Johnston
This excerpt is taken from the complete article that appears in the January 2016 issue, which is available here. Rock 'N' Jazz Clinic World Groove Independence Mash-Up Improving Facility With Afro-Cuban Inspiration When I began writing my latest book, Groove…