
Watch Danny Carey Warm Up for a Tool Show on His Colossal Drum Set

Watch Danny Carey Warm Up for a Tool Show on His Colossal Drum Set

Originally published by Consequence News


’s Danny Carey is now an active YouTuber, having recently launched his own official channel. For Tool fans, the highlight among his initial videos is a clip of the renowned drummer warming up before one of the band’s gigs this past May. Filmed from pseudo point-of-view directly above Carey and pointed down, we get a perspective of just how insane his drum kit is, surrounding and encompassing the drummer in a cockpit of shells and cymbals.

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The clip also highlights the fact that Carey uses every single one of those many pieces, his limbs flying across the kit as muscle memory takes over. The comparison could be made to an athlete warming up before a sporting event, and playing drums for Tool is certainly physically and athletically demanding, as Carey proves here. There’s a reason why he ranked highly on our recent list of the 100 best drummers of all-time. The other videos on Carey’s YouTube channel should also prove resourceful for drummers and Tool fans looking for a behind-the-scenes look at his methods. In one clip, he gives a thorough rundown of his touring kit for his work in the BEAT supergroup, which is currently on the road as part of its tribute tour to ’80s King Crimson (get tickets here). In another video, Carey’s drum tech Joe Slaby hits him with a rapid-fire Q&A. “Who was your favorite drummer when you were 12 years old?” Slaby asks, to which Carey replies without a blink: “John Bonham.” We also learn that the drummer’s favorite BBQ spot is Gates in Kansas City, that he once asked drummer Stewart Copeland of The Police for an autograph, and seeing YES in 1977 is his all-time favorite concert experience. Check out the clips from Carey’s YouTube channel below.
