
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Learn To Read Rhythms...Better!by Pat Petrillo

DVD LEVEL: ALL $29.95 Drummers Collective instructor Pat Petrillo’s new multimedia offering is the next best thing to an actual live lesson. An “interactive reading boot camp that comes with a teacher,” the two-DVD set allows students to play along…

Modern Drummer
Nov 9, 2011

Systems, Book 1 by Ari Hoenig

  BOOK LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED $15.99 NYC drummer Ari Hoenig’s new book focuses on coordination systems and different melodic variations to expand your independence and overall musicality. The material isn’t a breeze—even the flam warm-ups require facility and concentration—and…

Modern Drummer
Sep 29, 2011

The New Frontier for Drumset by Marko Djordjevic

  BOOK LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED $12.99 Serbian drummer/clinician Marko Djordjevic delivers a fascinating guide to understanding and applying subdivisions within drumset improvisation. His method involves several intricate steps, each connected to certain parts of the kit (kick, snare, hats)…

Modern Drummer
Sep 25, 2011

Drum Atlas Series: Brazil by Pete Sweeney

  BOOK/CDs LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE  $16.95 Brazil is the fifth culture to inspire a book in the Drum Atlas Series, and like its predecessors, this package provides a ground-up approach aimed at understanding each of the country’s rhythmic styles. Focusing especially…

Modern Drummer
Sep 18, 2011