
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Listen to Sound Files of Meinl M-Series Cymbals

The complete review is on page 22 of the June 2010 issue.    

Modern Drummer
Apr 20, 2010

Listen to Sound Files of Paiste’s Alpha Brilliant Metal Models Cymbals

The complete review is on page 22 of the May 2010 issue. The digital issue features sounds for many other Alpha Brilliant cymbals.    

Modern Drummer
Mar 22, 2010

Eric Seats Next Great Drummer Show

Hello all in MD land! I’m Eric Seats, drummer, producer, and creator of the Next Great Drummer show. A little bit about my background: I got my first taste of drumming from my dad, Leroy Seats, who is to this…

Modern Drummer
Mar 2, 2010

Thomas Pridgen: Buzz Inspiring

Thomas Pridgen has inspired more buzz among Modern Drummer readers than almost anyone else working today. Even diehard Mars Volta fans were unprepared for the frenetic wall of drumming Pridgen produced on the band’s 2008 album The Bedlam In Goliath.…

Modern Drummer
Jan 7, 2010