
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Tony Royster Jr.

Tony Royster Jr. has been busy. We caught up with him while he was home for a couple of days from globetrotting with En Vogue. “En Vogue needs someone to hold down the pocket while they’re singing,” the former child…

Modern Drummer
Jul 25, 2006

Ignacio Berroa - Havana Hot Head

by Ken Micallef Imagine growing up in a country where playing music is illegal, where practicing religion can get you yanked out of your home in the middle of the night, and where the only available drum instructor is some…

Modern Drummer
Jul 15, 2006

Ric Menck

In-demand drummer Ric Menck (Matthew Sweet, Velvet Crush, Liz Phair, Marianne Faithful) faced a quandary during sessions for Sweet and Susannna Hoffs’ recently released duets album of ’60s covers, Under The Covers, Vol. 1: Mimic classic performances like the ragged…

Modern Drummer
Jun 25, 2006

Def Leppard’s Rick Allen

Rick Allen says the great thing about Def Leppard’s new album, Yeah!, is that the band didn’t have to spend time writing new material. Instead, they decided to record a selection of ’70s cover songs. “We were a ’70s band,”…

Modern Drummer
Jun 15, 2006

David Garibaldi

Back Home With Tower Of Power Tower Of Power made David Garibaldi a household name among drummers back in the '70s. But David insists he had no intentions of going back to his old band - until fate intervened. "I…

Modern Drummer
Sep 24, 2005

Stan Frazier of Sugar Ray Interview

The SoCal band Sugar Ray, with poster-pinup lead singer Mark McGrath, guitarist Rodney Sheppard, bassist Murphy Karges, DJ Craig "Homicide" Bullock, and drummer Stan Frazier, have definitely proved to all the critics who once labeled them "one-hit wonders" that they…

Modern Drummer
Jul 19, 2005

Steve Gadd: Opens Up

There's a whole lot of drumming going on. Hundreds of thousands of people currently play the drums. Through the years, perhaps millions have played. But in spite of all that drumming, just a couple of dozen amazing innovators have shown…

Modern Drummer
Jul 1, 2005

Dennis Chambers, Raul Rekow, Karl Perazzo on Santana Now

Dennis Chambers, Raul Rekow, Karl Perazzo Santana Now: A Force Of Nature A rhythmic force of nature since its inception in San Francisco's Mission District in 1966, the Santana band has always set the bar high. And now, with superstar…

Modern Drummer
May 12, 2004

Jim Chapin

It's a steamy tropical night in South Florida. I'm sitting out on Jim Chapin's lanai, watching the eighty-one-year-old drummer rip off amazing licks on his ever-present practice pad while the tree frogs and locusts in the backyard provide a symphonic…

Modern Drummer
May 12, 2004

Matthew Cross: Orange 9MM's Stickman Is No Pretender

Recording Pretend I'm Human proved to be a radical departure for Orange 9MM drummer Matthew Cross, an old hand at laying out well-rehearsed rhythm tracks while sitting behind the glass. "We demoed like seventy songs in the past year and…

Modern Drummer
May 12, 2004

Nick D'Virgilio

Phil Collins began his successful musical career as the exciting young drummer for an obscure prog band from England called Genesis. He eventually worked his way out from behind the drumkit to center stage as the lead vocalist. As lead…

Modern Drummer
May 12, 2004

Tony Fagenson of Eve 6

Ask Tony Fagenson to define his role as drummer of the trio called Eve 6 - which includes vocalist/bassist Max Collins and guitarist Jon Siebels - and he'll give you a response straight out of American Bandstand: "The beat, man."…

Modern Drummer
May 12, 2004

Gavin Harrison: Expanding Illusions

(September 2005 Issue) At thirty-nine, Gavin Harrison's drumming career encompasses some sixty-five recordings and over thirty world tours with artists as varied as Iggy Pop, Lisa Stansfield, Level 42, and Italian pop superstar Claudio Baglioni. In early 2002, Gavin joined…

Modern Drummer
May 12, 2004

Chris Hesse: Rocking Out

"I learned to play drums by putting on headphones and playing to Rush's Fly By Night until I knew every song by heart. Neil Peart was my first major influence." So says Chris Hesse, drummer for Southern California hard rockers…

Modern Drummer
May 12, 2004