
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Mayhem Week! Art Cruz of Winds Of Plague

Week two of Mayhem is in the books. Last week we were on our way to Las Vegas, Nevada, to play an off-date show with our bus mates, Shadows Fall, when Jeff the bus driver had to pull over because…

Modern Drummer
Aug 3, 2010

Listen to Sound Files of Meinl’s New Byzance Cymbal Models

The complete review is on page 24 of the August 2010 issue.

Modern Drummer
Jun 22, 2010

Listen to Sound Files of Meinl M-Series Cymbals

The complete review is on page 22 of the June 2010 issue.    

Modern Drummer
Apr 20, 2010