Mike Portnoy

Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Dream Theater's Mike Portnoy

Mike Portnoy is considered one of the finest prog-rock drummers in the history of the genre, much of it due to his ground-breaking work in Dream Theater. “I couldn’t have dreamt of a better scenario for the path that we…

Modern Drummer
Feb 16, 2010

Mike Portnoy: In Constant "Progressive" Motion

by Mike Haid Mike Portnoy may very well be the hardest-working drummer in the business. His recent three-DVD set, In Constant Motion, which focuses on the past few Dream Theater releases, a slew of Mike’s side projects and tribute bands,…

Modern Drummer
Aug 16, 2007

Mike Portnoy—No Longer The New Kid On The Prog-Rock Block

Mike Portnoy is no longer the new kid on the progressive-rock block. The once proclaimed "next Neil Peart" has proven himself many times over to be worthy of acknowledgement. This isn't so much for the commercial success of his band…

Modern Drummer
May 12, 2004