
Modern Drummer is the world’s most widely read drum magazine, is dedicated entirely to the art of drumming and caters to the needs of amateur, semi-pro, and professional drummers.


Pat Gesualdo: Maintaining Control In Difficult Drum Lessons

Drum instructors can have difficulties with managing their lesson environment when teaching special-needs students. This includes both individual and group lessons. When I train drummers, doctors, and teachers in the techniques of Drum Therapy, I always make sure to mention…

Modern Drummer
Mar 24, 2010

Tony Nesbitt-Larking with The Most Serene Republic

Drum Tips From The Road With our new CD, Population, hot off the press, and with the backing of Yaris and Arts & Crafts, we hit the road last October for a two-month mega-tour across Canada and the US. Covering…

Modern Drummer
Apr 10, 2008

Mike Bennett with Hillary Duff

What's up, MD readers! It's been awhile since my last blog, and I wanted to say hello. I spent all of 2007 on the road playing percussion with pop singer Hilary Duff. We toured the world and played all over…

Modern Drummer
Feb 6, 2008